– Hello, Mr. Mohamed Shouman?

– Yes.

– I have sent you the job offer, please check it and kindly tell me the day on which you will be officially with us.

– Ok, I am at work now. Tonight I will check it and respond with the official day I will be available to join your team.

That was the last call from Andalusia Careers offering me HR Recruiting Specialist job offer (Salary & the rest of the package). Actually, I reached that level after a long time of struggling starting last February when I went there for an interview and passed the first one and waited for the next one but no one called me. I then started working in another hospital as a Marketing Coordinator and resigned. After that I applied my CV again for an OD vacancy in Andalusia and went there for the second time in an interview with the OD manager who was a professional HR manager who found that I don’t match his criteria but recommended me to a Recruiting specialist vacancy in Andalusia careers. So one week after I received a call from Recruitment supervisor asking me for another interview for the recruitment specialist vacancy. I went there, had the interview with her and she said that she would call me that day to tell me when I would start the training period which will take 2 weeks, then according to the result she will offer me the job and the package. That was what exactly happened, but she called to tell me that I will start my training period for only a week after which she would tell me the offer. I delayed the period to hand over my current job. However, I received another call from her side the next week to tell me that there will be no training period and that she sent me the offer and waiting my reply to confirm your official working day.

Now I am officially an HR Recruitment Specialist at Andalusia Careers for medical services.

Finally, I want to say that if you have a dream, specially a dream job, never quit your dream or say that you will never reach it. You have to struggle to reach it and keep going through your path till you attain your goals. Remember that reaching goals is not that easy, but if you tried hard and never quit on your dream, I guarantee that you will reach it and feel great about your achievements.

By: Mohamed Shouman

EDITOR: Sarah Shalaby